Foray into Archival Research
For my Field Report for the course I am taking on literary theory and the archives, I submitted a request form online to view the...
Dogs, Love, Brain Scans, and the Long Eighteenth Century
Human subjects climbed in an fMRI to have their brains scanned while reading a Jane Austen novel for an article published by a literary scholar...
Elongating the Already “Long” Eighteenth Century
I entered the M.A. program at Wayne State intent on studying British literature of the Romantic period and continued into the Ph.D. program immersed instead...
What does it mean to be ‘an unnecessary woman’?
The aspect of Rabih Almeddine’s An Unnecessary Woman: A Novel (2014) that most powerfully strikes me is the seamless movement across time, across micro places...
What does it mean to not have a history? Alejandro Zambra’s ‘Ways of Going Home’
Names, or lack or inappropriateness thereof, are a ghostly presence in Alejandro Zambra’s characterization of the macro- and micro-level themes expertly tangled in his novel...